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REGULATIONS                                        TITLE



1)      Short title and commencement
2)      Interpretation

3)      General Election
4)      By-election
5)      Leaders to be elected by the General Assembly


6)      Establishment of the Electoral Committee
7)      Functions of the Electoral Committee
8)      Composition of the Electoral Committee
9)      Qualifications of Chairperson
10)  Vice Chairperson
11)  Chairperson and Members to take Oaths
12)  Misconduct of a Chairperson and Members of the Committee
13)  Convening Meeting
14)  Quorum of the Meeting
15)  Procedures at the Meetings
16)  Tenure of the Committee
17)  Election Officer
18)  Allowances for Members
19)  District Electoral Committee
20)  Functions of the District Electoral Committee
21)  Composition of the District Electoral Committee
22)  Nomination of the District Youth Council electoral committee
23)  Qualification of Chairperson of District Electoral Committee
24)  Administration of the District Electoral Committee
25)  General elections of the Council


26)  Right to contest in election
27)  Nomination Forms
28)  Objection
29)  Declaration of Candidates
30)  Sole Candidate
31)  Withdrawal of a Candidate
32)  Absence of a Candidate
33)  Election Campaign
34)  Prohibition of Issuing and Receiving Corruption


35)  Right to vote
36)  Secret Vote
37)  One Man One Vote
38)  Ballot Papers
39)  Ballot Box
40)   Agent


41)  Counting of votes
42)  Declaration of results


43)  Establishment of the Election Complaints Committee
44)  Determination of Complaints


45)  Staff of the Council
46)  Operation of the Council


47)  Disciplinary Committee
48)  Disciplinary Authority for  Youth council employees
49)  Grounds for Disciplinary Action
50)  Suspension of Public Officer of the Council under inquiry
51)  Disciplinary Proceeding
52)  Decision of the Disciplinary Authority
53)  Disciplinary Penalty
54)  Right to Appeal


55)  Absence of  Agents or Candidate
56)  Management of Money of the Council
57)  Application for Membership
58)  Interim Management
59)  Offences and Penalties.

                 Schedule I:      Oath of Secrecy and Impartiality for Members of the National Youth
Council Electoral Committee
Schedule II:        Oath of Secrecy and Impartiality for Members of the District Youth
Council Electoral Committee
Schedule III:    Application Form for Membership


ACT NO 16 OF 2013
Made under section 26 (2)a, b, c and d

Short title and commencement
        1. These Regulations shall be cited as the Election Procedures and Administration procedures , employment and financial regulations and shall come into operation after being assented to by the Minister.

        2. In these Regulations, unless the context requires otherwise:

“Act” means the Zanzibar Youth Council Act, NO. 16 of 2013.

“Chairperson” means Chairperson of the Council;

“Electoral Committee” means the National Youth Council Electoral Committee and the District Youth Council Electoral Committee as established by the provisions of these Regulations;

“Council” means National Youth Council,  District Youth Council and Shehia Youth Council under the provisions of the Act;

‘’Complaint Committee’’ means the Committee established under Regulation 43 of these Regulations

‘’District Commissioner’’ means District Commissioner of the respective District

“General Assembly” means the National General Assembly of the Council, District General Assembly and the Shehia Youth General Assembly  as established under the provisions of the Act;

“Minister” means the Minister for the time being responsible for Youth Affairs.

General Election
3. There shall be general election of the Council which shall be held after every three years to elect the following persons:

a)      Chairperson;
b)      Vice Chairperson;
c)      Seven members of the Executive Council;
d)      Chairperson of the District Council;
e)      Vice Chairperson of the District Council;
f)       Seven members of the District Executive Committee;
g)      Chairperson of Shehia Council;
h)      Vice Chairperson of shehia council;
i)        Secretary of Shehia  Council; and
j)        Nine members of the Shehia Youth Executive Committee.

4. There shall be by election of the council which shall be held when any post mentioned in regulation 3 of these regulations falls vacant.

Provided that by election shall not be held if the remaining period before the general election does not exceed six months.

General Assembly to elect leaders of the Council
5. Subject to the provision of the Act, any leaders of the Council shall be elected by the General Assembly convened for such purpose.


Establishment of the National Youth Council Electoral Committee.

6. There is hereby established a committee to be known as the National Youth Council Electoral Committee.

Functions of the National Youth Council Electoral Committee.
7. (1) The National Youth Electoral Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of elections in the National and District Youth Council.

        (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub regulation  (1) of this regulation, the committee shall:
a) receive applications from aspirants;
b)      Run free and fair election;
c)      To declare the names of the candidates;
d)      Count votes and declare the results of the elections;
e)      To receive and determine the objection of the candidates;
f)       To notify the candidates the outcomes of the election;
g)      To prepare and submit election reports and submit to the Ministry
h)      To perform any other relevant function in elections as per the mandate of the Committee.

Composition of the National Youth Council Electoral Committee
8. The National Youth Council Electoral committee shall be composed of the following members:

a)      Chairperson who shall be appointed by the Minister; and
b)      Other four members appointed by the Minister from among the persons with professional knowledge or experience in the conduct or supervision of election.

Provided that the composition of the National Youth Council Electoral Committee shall consider gender, peoples with disability representation and at least one of the members shall be a lawyer. The Minister through his Ministry shall regulate its own procedures in the discharge of its duties.

Qualifications of the  Chairperson of National Youth Electoral committees

9. A person shall be eligible to be appointed as Chairperson of the National Youth Electoral Committee if he:

a)      Is a Zanzibari;

b)       Holds at least first degree in law, social science or other related discipline from any recognized educational institution;

c)      has a working experience of at least five years in any of the field  mentioned in paragraph (b).

d)      has good character.

Vice Chairperson.

10.  The electoral Committee shall elect one of their members to be a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee.

Chairperson and Members to take oath
11(1). The Chairperson and members of the National Youth Council electoral Committee shall not assume office unless subscribe an oath of secrecy  and  impartiality before the Minister in the form as prescribed in the Schedule I to these Regulations

(2) The Chairperson and members of the District Youth Council electoral Committee shall not assume office unless subscribe an oath of secrecy and impartiality before the District Commissioner in the form as prescribed in the Schedule III to these Regulations.

Misconduct of  Chairperson and members of the Committee
12(1) In case of any misconduct of the Chairperson or any member of the Electoral Committee the Minister or District Commissioner as the case may be, may take the appropriate measures to be taken against him.

(2) The Minister or District Commissioner  shall, on  suo moto or on a complaint filed by any member of the Council entertain any matter relating to the misconduct of the Chairperson or member of the Electoral Committee

(3) In entertaining any matter referred to under sub regulation 2 of this Regulation the Minister or District Commissioner through it system  shall afford the alleged member the opportunity to defend himself against the allegation. 

Convening of Meeting.

13. (1) All meetings of the Electoral Committee shall be convened by the Chairperson or in his absence by the Vice-Chairperson. 

      (2) In the absence of both Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the members present shall elect one from their number to preside the meeting, and the member so elected shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the Chairperson.

Quorum of Meeting.

14. More than half of the total number of members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the electoral Committee.

Procedures at Meetings
15. Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, the Electoral Committee shall have power to regulate its own procedures in respect of the meetings and the proper conduct of its business.

Tenure of the

16. The Electoral Committee shall be formed two months before the conduct of the election of the council and shall cease to exist one month after the election.

Provided that the Minister may extend the tenure of the Electoral Committee where it deems necessary to do so but such extension shall not exceed another one month from the date of extension.

Election Officers
17(1). The electoral committee shall appoint such number of election officers as the Committee may deem sufficient, who are not members of the electoral committee, candidate or his agent to assist in the operations of the committee.

(2) The Electoral Committee shall develop the procedures for recruiting election officers.

Allowances for Members.

18. The Chairperson and other members of the electoral committee shall be entitled to be paid such allowances during its tenure in such rates as the Council may determine from time to time and approved by the Minister.

District Youth Council Electoral Committee

19. There is hereby established a committee to be known as the District Youth Council Electoral Committee.
Functions of the
 District  Youth Council Electoral

20.  The District Youth Council Electoral Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of elections of the Council at Shehia level.

Composition of the District Youth Council Electoral Committee

Nomination of the District Youth Council Electoral Committee

Qualification of Chairperson of District Youth Council Electoral Committee

21. The District Youth Council Electoral Committee shall be composed of the following members:
a)      Chairperson who shall be appointed by the District Commissioner; and
b)      Other four members appointed by the District Commissioner from among the persons with professional knowledge or experience in the conduct or supervision of election.

22. Subject of the provisions of Regulations 10, 11(2),12,,13,14,15,16 17 and 18 the Nomination of the District Electoral Committee shall consider gender representation, people with disability and at least one of the members shall be a lawyer  .

23. A person shall  be eligible to be appointed as Chairperson of the Committee if he:

a)      is Zanzibari;

b)       holds at least first degree in law, social science or related discipline from any recognized educational institution;

c)      has a working experience of at least three years in any of the field  mentioned in paragraph (b). and

d)      has good character.

Administration of District Youth Council Electoral Committee

General Election of  the

24. The provisions of regulations 10 to 18 shall be mutatis mutandis applicable to the District Electoral Committee.

25. The Election of Shehia Youth Council shall be held at least two months before the election of the District Youth Council and for election of District Youth Council shall be held at least one month before Election of National Youth Council.


Right to contest in Election
26. Every member of the council who meets qualifications as provided in the Act shall have the right to contest in the election of the Council at respective level.

Nomination  forms
27. (1) Every candidate shall fill nomination forms and submit them to the election officer within time as may be prescribed by the electoral committee provided that the prescribed time shall not exceed ten clear days.

2) There shall be a special fee which shall be fixed by the Electoral Committee that shall be paid upon submission of the nomination forms.

28. (1) Any member of the Council may within five days from the date of the submission of nomination form may object to the electoral committee, the candidature of any person on the ground that a person is not qualified for the post he is contesting for.

(2) The objection shall only be made in writing by a person who resides in the respective areas of election; Shehia, District and National.

(3) The electoral Committee shall, upon receipt of the objection, dispose of the matter within five days and shall notify the parties accordingly.

Declaration of Candidates
29. The electoral committee shall declare the names of candidates at least ten days before election and after the lapse of time of the submission of forms or after the disposal of all filed objections if any.

Sole Candidate

Withdrawal of Candidates

 Absence of Candidate

Election Campaign

Prohibition of issuing and receiving corruption

30. (1) Where there is only one contestant candidate, the electoral Committee shall declare such person as the sole candidate.

(2) The candidate declared under sub-regulation 1 of this regulation, shall be duly elected in the respective office if he obtains more than fifty percent of the total votes.

(3) If the sole candidate failed to secure the required votes, the electoral Committee shall declare another election after one month from the previous election.

31. The candidate may withdraw from contesting by notice in writing signed and delivered by him to the Committee within seven days before the election day.

32. Where after the nomination there is no candidate for the post being contested for, the election Committee shall declare another election day for a particular post.

33(1). The campaign period shall be the whole period commencing from the day after declaration of candidates up to one day before election day.

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of Sub- Regulation 1 commits an offence and shall be liable to be removed from contesting election by Electoral Committee..

34(1) Subject to the provisions of the Act and any other law for the time being in force, any act of bribery is prohibited in the elections of the Council.

(2) Any candidate who is proved to have issued or received bribery shall be disqualified from the election.


Right to vote
35. Every member of the Council, who qualifies to vote, shall be entitled to vote in the respective election of the Council.

Secret Vote
36(1). Every voter shall cast his vote in secret ballot

(2) The electoral Committee shall keep conducive environment that will enable voters to cast their votes secretly.

One man one vote

37. Every voter shall have one vote in each contested post.

Ballot paper
38. (1) The electoral committee shall prepare ballot papers which shall be in such shape and form that will enable voter to cast his vote properly.

(2) The ballot papers shall contain the name and picture of the candidate and his contesting post.

(3) The electoral Committee shall prepare the procedures in which the people with disability will cast their votes without any inconveniences

(4) In case of a person is incapable of casting his vote by reason of illiteracy or any disability he may choose a person to assist him in casting his vote.

Ballot box
39. Immediately before the commencement of voting, the election officer shall show the empty ballot box to persons lawfully present so that they may see that it is empty and thereafter close it in such a manner to prevent it being opened.

40. Every candidate may appoint a person to be his agent who may be present during voting and counting of votes.

Counting of votes
41. (1) Immediately after the closure of the voting exercise, the Committee shall start counting of votes. 

(2)      Only candidate or his agent if any shall be present during the counting of votes.

(3)      The electoral Committee may allow any member of the media or observer to be present during the counting of votes.

(4)      All votes shall be counted at the election station and the results shall be displayed at any conspicuous place at the station

(5)      The counting of votes shall be transparent to every candidate and agent who is present during counting exercise.

(6)      For the purpose of transparency during counting of votes, the election officer or any officer dully authorized by the electoral Committee shall count a loud each ballot paper and record the total of the ballot papers found in the ballot box.

(7)      Immediately after counting of votes, every candidates or agent present and chairperson or any officer dully authorized by the electoral Committee shall  shall fill and sign election result forms.

After counting of votes, election officer or any authorized officer by the electoral  Committee shall compile the election result forms, write an election report  and within twenty four hours submit them to the higher level structure

Provided that the higher level structure for the National Electoral committee shall be the Minister.

Declaration of Results

42. (1) The chairperson after receiving results of all candidates and upon verification, within twenty four hours shall declare election results.

(2) A candidate shall be declared a winner if he gets majority of votes.



Establishment of the Election Complaint Committee
43. (1) There shall be Election Complaints Committee which shall be composed of not more than five and not less than three members.

 2) the Complaints Committee shall be responsible to do the following:
a)      To receive election complaints as may be submitted to it;
b)      To resolve election complaints;
c)      To notify the parties the outcome of complaints;
d)      To submit report to the General Assembly.

(3) Members of the Complaints Committee shall be appointed by the Minister ,  

Provided that the members shall be amongst persons who are not members of the Electoral Committee of the Council, candidates or agents in any elections of the Council.

(4) Any person aggrieved by the election results may submit his complaints to the Minister for National and District Election within five days from the day the election results were declared.

(5) The Complaint Committee or National Youth Council electoral Committee may call any person or demand any document which in the opinion of the Complaint Committee relevant in the determination of the complaint.

(6) The complaints shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the dissatisfaction and any procedures violated.

(7) Any person aggrieved by the election results in Shehia elections may submit his complaints to the National Electoral Committee within five days from the day when the election results were declared.

Determination of Complaints
44. The Complaints Committee or National Youth Council Electoral Committee shall hear the complaints and give its decision within seven days from the day of receiving complaints. 


Staff of the Council
45 (1) There shall be staff of the Council to be employed by the Council upon such terms and conditions in accordance with Staff Regulations established by the Council in conformity with the provisions of the Public Service Act and its Regulations.

        (2) The Council may, in order to facilitate the performance of its functions establish such departments, sections or units to be headed by the heads and other staff as may be determined by the Council in conformity with the provisions of the Public Service Act and its Regulations.

Operation of the Council
46. (1) The National Youth Council shall work closely with the District Youth Council and Shehia Youth Council.
 (2) Subject to the provisions of the sub-regulation 1 of this Regulation, the National Youth Council shall have supervisory power over District Youth Council and Shehia Youth Council.
(3) Any matter which needs further consideration may be referred to the superior Council.

Disciplinary Committee

47. (1) Subject to the provisions of Section 31 of the Act, there is hereby established the disciplinary committee in each level of the Council which shall be composed of not more then seven members from person who are not members of the council.

(2) The disciplinary Committee shall administer all discipline in the Council.

Disciplinary Authorities for employee

Grounds for Disciplinary Action

Suspension of Public Officer of the Council under inquiry

Disciplinary Proceeding

Decision of the Disciplinary Authority

Disciplinary Penalty

Right to Appeal

48. For the purpose of administrating the discipline in the Council, the following shall be the disciplinary Authorities:
a.      Heads of Department who shall administer discipline in their respective department in accordance with Public Service Act and its Regulations.

b.      The Executive Secretary who shall administer the discipline within the Council in accordance with Public Service Act and its Regulations.

49.(1)A disciplinary authority may take a disciplinary action against  employee within the Council if it is reasonably satisfied that, the employee has:-
(a)  performed duties negligently, carelessly or inefficiently; or
(b)  been guilty of misconduct; or
(c)  been absent from duty without approved leave and without reasonable excuse; or
(d)  contravened, without reasonable excuse, a direction given to the officer as a public service officer by a responsible person; or
(e)  used, without reasonable excuse, a substance to an extent that has adversely affected the competent performance of the officer’s duties; or
(f)   contravened, without reasonable excuse, a provision of the Act, Public Service Act or an obligation imposed on the person under Public Service Code of Conduct, Public Service  Principles, Values or any other code of conduct which fall under Zanzibar Public Service; or
(g)   committed any disciplinary offences mentioned in the Schedule of the Employment Act No.11 of 2005; 

50. (1) The Executive Secretary may suspend from duty a public service employee in the Council who is under disciplinary inquiry or criminal investigation which relates or reflects on the public service duty of the employee if he  reasonably believes it is in the interest of justice, fairness or transparency to do so.

(2)  The suspension may be cancelled at any time upon completion of investigation or inquiry or where the disciplinary authority deems it appropriate.

(3)  Suspension on disciplinary inquiry shall not be for more than six months and the employee shall be entitled to a half pay for the duration of suspension.

(4)  Where upon the completion of disciplinary inquiry and the disciplinary authority intends to proceed with disciplinary proceedings and find it expedient to further suspend the employee pending determination of the disciplinary action such employee may be further suspended for not more than six months on half pay.

(5) Upon expiry of six months the employee shall be entitled to be reinstated or be paid full salary pending determination of the disciplinary proceedings.

(6) Where upon the determination of the disciplinary proceedings the employee is found not liable of the disciplinary offence, he shall be immediately reinstated and be paid the balance of the half pay which remained unpaid during suspension. 

(7) For the purpose of this section determination shall include final determination of appellate proceedings where appeal is preferred by either party.

(8) Where an employee is suspended by reason of criminal inquiry he shall be paid half salary for a period not exceeding twelve months, upon the expiry of such period he shall cease to be entitled to such half salary and the period he continue to be on suspension shall be deemed to be a leave without pay for such period he shall be entitled to seek alternative employment until such time the matter is disposed of.

(9) Where upon the completion of criminal investigation and the prosecution authority decides not to prefer a charge against the employee, the authority shall inform the Council of its decision not to take the matter against the accused employee to court and such information shall be sufficient to warrant the Council to reinstate the employee.

(10)  Where upon the determination of the criminal trial, including appeal, if any, the accused employee is acquitted, the said accused employee shall be entitled to be reinstated.

(11)  Where at any stage of trial the accused employee is discharged by the court or the charge is withdrawn by the prosecution, the accused employee shall only be reinstated when the Director of Public Prosecutions shall, in writing, state his intention not to proceed further with the case.

(12)  Any disciplinary action not stipulated in this Regulation shall be in accordance with the Public Service Act.

51. (1) Disciplinary proceedings before any disciplinary authority shall be conducted in the following  manner:
(a)   notification of disciplinary offence to the accused employee;
(b) manner and period within which parties to the proceedings may present their reply in writing;
(c)   manner of presentation of securing necessary documents as evidence which are in the custody or control of the other party;
(d)   manner of presentation of evidence;
(e)   securing the attendance of witnesses;
(f)   service of summons generally;
(g)  temporary orders and their enforcement;
(h)  awards, rulings and orders of the disciplinary authority;
(i)   period of limitation for filing and notification;

(j)   any  other  matter  necessary  for  orderly  conduct  of  the proceedings and quick disposal of the matter

52(1) Decisions of the disciplinary authority shall, unless no appeal lies against it, shall be executed upon expiry of the appeal period.

(2)  The appellate authority may order execution of orders made by the disciplinary authority if it is satisfied that execution of such order shall not prejudice the hearing of the appeal or render the appeal inconsequential

53. (1) Subject to the jurisdiction of the disciplinary authority and limitation provided by the Act or Regulations on imposition of disciplinary penalties, a disciplinary authority may impose any of the following penalties:

(a) verbal warning, written warning, reprimand and severe reprimand;       
(b)  deduction of salary except that in any case:

(i)  The deduction shall not exceed half of the employee salary; or
(ii) The deduction shall not be more than one third for an employee receiving a salary and not exceeding two times of the minimum salary.
(c)  demotion or deferment of promotion ;
(d)  termination of employment;
(e)  dismissal;

54. Any member of the Council  aggrieved by the decision of the disciplinary authority in accordance with subsection 4 of Section 4 of the Act  may appeal to the General Assembly whose decision shall be final


Absence of agents or

Management of  money of the council
55. The absence of agent or a candidate at the appointed time and place of voting shall not stop, delay or invalidate the election process.

56. All monies of the Council shall be managed and controlled by the Executive Secretary of the Council according to Public Finance Act.

Application for membership
57. (1) The Secretary of Shehia Youth Council shall issue application forms to the applicant.

(2) The applicant shall submit dully application forms to the Secretary who shall submit the same to the Shehia Executive Committee for consideration and approval.

(3) Any applicant who is admitted by the Shehia executive committee shall be so informed in writing.

(4) In case the Shehia Executive Committee rejects the application, the Secretary shall forthwith inform the applicant in writing citing reasons for such rejection.

Subject to the provisions of Regulations 58 (1),(2), (3) and (4) , there is hereby the Ministry appoint the interim Secretary of each Shehia Youth Council to perform these duties until the Secretary of Shehia Youth Council elected.

Interim management of the Council
58. Each General election the previous leadership will resign and the members of General Assembly shall elect one among them who is not contester to be chairman of the general assembly until the general election in accordance with the provisions of the Act and these Regulations is held and the new leadership elected.

Offences and
59. Any person who contravenes the provisions of these Regulations commits an offence and upon conviction, if no penalty is mentioned, shall be liable to fine of not less than five hundred thousand or imprisonment for a term of not less than six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.



Application Form for Membership

Application Fee: TZS… may be determined.

2 Passport size

Please type or print your answers in the space provided below:                     


Sex (Male or Female)

First and Middle Name(s)


Current Occupation

Date of Birth (Please attach with a copy of Birth Certificate )

Marital Status

Permanent Address

E-mail Address

Telephone Number



Part 2:  Supplementary Personal Information
Academic Qualifications

Zanzibar ID/National ID or Passport Number (please attach copy)

Country and Place of Issuance

Date of Issuance

Date of Expiration

Are you an active member of any Organization? If yes, give the name of the organization concerned; and for how long?

What do you know about the Zanzibar Youth Council and who introduced you to it?

What motivated you to join the Zanzibar Youth Council?

What are your expectations in the event of your being enrolled as a member of Zanzibar Youth Council?


The applicant has been approved.

The Applicant has not been approved.

Reason(s) for applicant’s disapproval.

Has the applicant paid the application fee in the amount of Tshs…..?

Please return the duly completed application form to: The Secretary of Shehia Youth Council.

                                                            SCHEDULE II
[Made under Regulation 12 (1) of these Regulations]
I, …………………………………. having been appointed as Chairperson/Member of the Electoral Committee of the Youth Council, do hereby affirms and states that, I will perform my duties faithfully, Impartial and with high integrity in accordance with my knowledge and understanding.
Therefore, I hereby declare that, I will not disclose any information which comes to my knowledge as a Chairperson/ Member of the Committee, to any person or institution as contrary to the Laws and Regulations of Zanzibar

MADE on Zanzibar……….. this day of ……………………….., 20…………..

………………………………                                                   …………………………
Chairperson/Member                                                                                   Minister

[Made under Regulation 12 (2) of these Regulations]
I, …………………………………. having been appointed as Chairperson/Member of the Electoral Committee of the Youth Council, do hereby affirms and states that, I will perform my duties faithfully, Impartial and with high integrity in accordance with my knowledge and understanding.
Therefore, I hereby declare that, I will not disclose any information which comes to my knowledge as a Chairperson/ Member of the Committee, to any person or institution as contrary to the Laws and Regulations of Zanzibar

MADE on Zanzibar……….. this day of ……………………….., 20…………..

………………………………                                                   …………………………
Chairperson/Member                                                                         District Commissioner

Fomu ya Maombi ya Uwanachama
Ada ya maombi……………………………………. kama ilivyokubalika

Jaza nafasi zifuatazo

Sehemu ya 1: Maelezo Binafsi
Jinsia (Mwanamme au mwanamke)
Jina la mwanzo na jina la kati
Jina la Mwisho
Kazi ya sasa
Tarehe ya kuzaliwa (ambatanisha nakala ya cheti cha kuzaliwa)
Hali ya ndoa
Anuwani ya kudumu
Nambari ya simu
Nambari ya simu

Sehemu ya 2: Maelezo ya Ziada
Kiwango cha Elimu
Kitambulisho cha Mzanzibar/Kitambulisho cha Mtanzania au Pasipoti Nambari
(Ambatanisha nakala)
Nchi na mahala ilipotolewa
Tarehe iliyotolewa
Tarehe ya mwisho
Wewe ni mjumbe wa jumuiya yoyote?
Kama ndio, jina la jumuiya hiyo na ni muda gani umejiunga?
Vipi umelisikia Baraza la Vijana la Zanzibar na nani amekujuilisha Baraza hilo?
Kitu gani kimekuvutia kujiunga na Baraza la Vijana Zanzibar?

Matarajio gani unayo baada ya kukubaliwa uwanachama wako wa Baraza la Vijana la Zanzibar.

Sehemu ya 3: Kwa Matumizi ya Afisi
Muombaji amekubaliwa
Muombaji hajakubaliwa
Sababu za kutokukubaliwa
Muombaji amelipia ada ya kujiunga kwa Tsh

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